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The charitable formula of the Debutant Ball is an unquestionable means of promoting values that are close to all people of good will. The proceeds from the Ball will once again be used to support the work carried out by the Order of Malta.

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, known as the Order of Rhodes and of Malta, is undoubtedly the oldest charitable organisation in the modern world, working continuously for the “Ill Lords” for over 900 years. Founded in Jerusalem in the second half of the 11th century, having its subsequent headquarters in Rhodes and Malta, and today, somewhat dispersed globally, it conducts its hospital and charity activities always in the world avant garde. The work of mercy towards the needy is carried out through national associations and the Malteser International organisation. The traditions of the Polish Knights Hospitallers date back to the 12th century. In 2020, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Association of Polish Knights of Malta (ZPKM) in June of 1920. The flagship work of the ZPKM was the Military Hospital of Malta in Warsaw, operating in the years of 1939-1944. The Association of Polish Knights of Malta resumed its activity in Poland in 1992. Numerous points were created, caregiving out medical, caring and charity activities around Poland – mainly in Poznań, Kraków, Katowice, Warsaw, Warmia and Radom. The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the Order of Rhodes and of Malta, is both a religious order and an international legal entity.

The head of the Order is the Grand Master, His Most Highness Fra’ John Dunlap. The Order of Malta in Poland is represented by Ambassador Niels Carl Lorijn. The position of Ambassador to the Order of Malta is held by the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Holy See, His Excellency Adam Kwiatkowski. Currently, the president of ZPKM is His Excellency Count Jacek Tarnowski.
The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine has engaged the Association of Polish Knights of Malta in active assistance toward the large number of refugees in the country, as well as expediting humanitarian aid to Ukraine, even to areas affected by battles. The entire campaign is coordinated by staff in Katowice based on volunteers of the Maltese Medical Service. Thirteen collection points for medical, sanitary and food supplies, as well as a main warehouse in Chorzów, have been set up. Border aid points have been established in Hrebenne, Krościenko and Korczowa, as well as a relocation point for refugees and the distribution of gifts in Kombornia. The Maltese Medical Service organised round-the-clock medical assistance points at the railway stations in Kraków and Katowice. Transports carrying humanitarian aid took refugees on their way back, including sick people and children. Refugees at our centres in Kraków, Poznań, Katowice and Warsaw were provided with accommodation, Polish language lessons and integration activities on the spot. The help centres in Poland and Ukraine have been visited by representatives of the highest authorities of the Order.

/Maciej Koszutski/

Zakon Maltański w Polsce

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